Villain Sauce Co.

After years of trying various hot sauces for the extreme heat, and also trying milder sauces to get the flavour boost that hot sauces can provide, founder Chris Badanjak decided to try his hand at making his own hot sauce to get the best of both worlds.

On one dark and stormy night, the first hot sauce experiment was conducted, and from that moment on, there was no turning back, as trial after trial produced unique flavours with different levels of heat and flavour combinations more astounding than the next.

Founded in 2020 based out of Brantford Ontario, Villain Sauce Co. was born, and the primary objective is to produce Hot Sauces that will give you an amazing full flavour experience, but also kick your ass just enough to know it got kicked.

The line up consists of these 8 Hot Sauces;

The Boogeyman Good Guy Sauce Smoky Mountain Punch Bad Guy Sauce The Sinister Delight Smoky Mountain Death Midas Touch Witch Doctor

You’re welcome.